A highly qualified and enthusiastic Mathematics tutor, with 7 years of teaching and private tutoring experience in Oxford, London and Hong Kong, guaranteed to achieve the best possible results

1.Kelvin Chan 畢業於加拿大音樂學府 2.於專業錄音室 Axis Music Studio上堂 3.適合任何歲數及時程度

A highly qualified and enthusiastic Mathematics tutor, with 7 years of teaching and private tutoring experience in Oxford, London and Hong Kong, guaranteed to achieve the best possible results for all

MA Music CUHK, BMus (Hons) RWCMD; FTCL Diploma, DipABRSM, ATCL, Grade 8 Organ 管風琴, 可全英語授課,學生比賽屢獲獎項.樂理,伴奏,可試堂

Piano Lesson / Piano Teacher / English Speaking Piano Lesson / Music Theory / Accompaniment

Mexican teacher with experience in teaching for more than 5 years, well planned lessons for all kinds of students including kids, teenagers or adults

Experienced violin tutor of more than 10 years

方潔老師 [現任在職香港管弦樂團小提琴樂師] 中國全國小提琴比賽獲奬者 受邀於日本太平洋音樂節、德國Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival音樂節

現任丹麥國家交響樂團首席指揮及蘇黎世歌劇院音樂總監的法比奧‧雷西,不單是古典樂壇的巨星,同時亦是一位香水調香師。這次藝術家沙龍將分享法比奧人生的兩大興趣︰除了與本地年輕歌手交流歌唱技巧與音樂創意,法比奧更會在華燈美酒下,與觀眾細數他對音樂與香水的熱愛。 Watch as young singers are coached in singing technique by Maestro Fabio

I am a Chinese,can speak fluent Cantonese,English and Korean. Having the teaching experience. Please contact me with the details.持流利普通話,廣東話,英語和韓語,有意者請電聯


LW music studio-提供場地租用,設有音響設備及各類樂器提供,可作教學用途,本Studio位於觀塘中心地帶,環保舒適整潔,設有無線wifi,自助飲水機,洗手間供使用,適合個人練習, 導師教學, 音樂教室, 私人教室, 聚會等用途,可供長期租用/短期租用(日租/散租), 歡迎來電查詢租用詳情及報價(張小姐,69201649)
l教學進修 / 課室出租lwmusicstudio

LW music studio-適合場地租用,包括私人派對,Party場地,好友聚會,生日會,人數彈性(由4人至10人);另設有音響設備及各類樂器提供,可唱歌/彈歌,或作教學用途,包場

English Playgroup in Yuen Long, with 60 students+teaching materials+wonderful Net Teacher, S/P: $380,000
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